Wednesday, March 10, 2010


I have lots of words in mind but I will start this letter by saying I'm missing you terribly. And if given a chance the first thing I will do is to hug you tight..tighter than our last hug. This is such a hard decision to make since leaving you will be the last thing on my list because it's like punishing myself..taking out my happiness for the sake of the people I barely knew. But, being selfish has no room for us. We have to consider things. We have to be sensitive. And, we have to be brave. Destiny put us in a situation that even the most intelligent person can't explain. No choice left. And time is rushing us.

Isipin mo na lang ginawa natin ang tama at para sa lahat. Kahit gaano man kasakit, kahirap.. magiging maayos din ang lahat.

Kaya natin 'to..

Letting you go was one of the biggest sacrifices I made so far and I am proud it. I'm proud of us..for being selfless. I am here. And looking for another chance with you. Maybe not now, not this time, not in this lifetime. Maybe in another path? In another road? But for now, let's enjoy what we have. Be strong. I love you always..

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