Monday, April 19, 2010

Love for me.

When you start loving, you are learning not to be selfish. You give without hesitations. You start thinking that life is good. You start to believe in miracles, destiny and that love can really move mountains. You are floating in the air when you hear her voice. You think that clock ticks faster when you’re together but not when you’re apart. After months and years of togetherness, for some reasons, it fades. It did not thrill you at all when she calls. The level of excitement is not the same when you first hold her hand or how sweet it was when you first hear the words I love you. You realized you are living with a stranger. She’s not the same person who gave you the feeling of forever and being in love. She’s different. You will start to ask questions and those questions turn into confusions. The surety of your relationship is not intact anymore. And it will give you reasons, tons of reasons on how to get out. You will say that it’s not working because of this and that but the truth is, you want a way out. You just want a shortcut, a fast solution. For me, Love is not like this. Love endures pain, overcome test and conquer challenges. Love never gives up. And it never fails. It holds and fights. It believes in possibilities and in every promise. It will not have doubts. It has a deep meaning and will not define by flowers, by sweet words or by expensive dates. It’s being together, and standing by one. No matter how impossible it is. It will trust. It will hope.

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