Monday, June 7, 2010


Continued reading this great book. The time I got on the bus, I started to read it. Catch myself enjoying, smiling and even laughing. I really have my best buddy now. :) From now on, I decided not to write about my work. It will just make me sick. If there will be an exception to this rule, it will be, IF, I did something GREAT, worthy of writing. I’m somehow relived from being hurt..going to church made me understand what’s happening. It might not fully yet, but in time. I understand that, maybe, your intention was not to hurt me but you just want to share your happiness. You were insensitive or the way you said it to me was the one that hurt me. Maybe, its not the fact that you are having a baby, but, because by that, it ended. My hope. US. It ended there, the moment you said it. I’m saying it to you now that, I am not mad or angry about what happened, I’m just dealing with the reality right now. I’m dealing with loneliness, with being hurt for something that had just ended. Time will heal all wounds, maybe, not now but in the right instance. When I was on the bus, on my way home, while reading this great book, I heard our song. And guess what, I saw it coming. I don’t know but I knew it. Maybe, it’s His sign that I should not treat you the way I am treating you. But it saddens me because our memories were no longer there. I tried to close my eyes but there was nothing. And I am crying now yet, I have to embrace it. Even it hurts like hell, I have to deal with it. I am sorry for hurting you back, for being so cold. There’s a saying that, “Kung gaano ka nagmahal, ganon din kalalim kang masasaktan.” That explains everything.

Part 22: So be lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person's body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings. --Eat,Pray,Love.

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