Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Something new

I am planning for something new! *excited*

I hope it will push through.. :) Tomorrow, I'll meet someone that could help me out in achieving this goal. I will do this for a very special reason..I hope I could make her smile with this and hoping it will not be late. But for me to achieve it, I need perseverance, patience and lots of hardwork. I can do this! I will! *wink*

Time to freshen up! Will sleep early tonight for I have to finish my workload at sharp 5 tomorrow. Hehehe.. Bye for now..

...before I log out,
Bro, please help her out. I may not be there in those times that she needed someone, my prayers are with her. Please hug her for me and give her a brave heart.

Thanks a lot for this day..

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