Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Day 3 continues of a non-stop reading. I am definitely IN to it! And I am lovin’ it! I’m done with the Italy part. Done with the tongue-twister-italian words. I will miss Lucca Spaghetti and Liz’s escapades around, in, and between Italy.

I made a decision to have a hair cut. And I am wearing the shortest I’ve ever had. I’ve been wanting this but I am so shy to ask the stylist, and there’s always a voice within me saying, “Baka hindi bagay.”. Finally, I gained enough strength and with bravery, I said, “Mas maikli pa po.” Then she said, “OK”.. I smiled. I’m happy. Yes! Finally! But honestly, I was nervous to see how it will look. Then..Yehey! Okay naman. She/He made me happy (the stylist). On my way home, I was wondering how they (especially mom) would react. She just said, “Nagpagupit ka? Ang ikli.” Honestly, I know that she’s not that “in favor” because with my hair now, it is so obvious that I am gay. This is one of those many reasons why I want to move, why I want to work far far away. Because I know that they did not fully accepted it yet. I know that they understand me and all, yet, I know also that they are still hoping that somehow, I could turn into a lady, which is not possible. And it will not happen. It’s hurting me a lot because I feel that I am disappointing them in a way. I don’t want to be the reason of their disappointments. It feels like, I want to be eaten out so they could not see me. Haay..Family matters made me lonely. I want to finish my duties this evening kasi we watched Noynoy’s proclamation so my to do’s are still to do’s. Haiz. Anyway, I am beginning to fall in love and I hate it. I am beginning to fall in love with…guess who? MILEY CYRUS. Hahaha! I find her sexy and attractive nowadays. If you could hear my comments to her before, you will say, “YOU’VE EATEN ALL YOUR WORDS!” But, I accepted it anyway. I like MILEY! *blushing*

Part 36 (Last part of Italy): ..when you sense a faint potentiality for happiness after such dark times you must grab on to the ankles of that happiness and not let go until it drags you face-first out of the dirt - this is not selfishness, but obligation. You were given life; it is your duty (and also your entitlement as a human being) to find something beautiful within life, no matter how slight. --Eat,Pray,Love

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