Monday, June 14, 2010

Still sick. Haiz.

I met Jena @ FCM Mcdo yesterday. It was a total talk. We conversed for 1 hours and 30mins to be exact. We talked about the books we read, the realizations, about family, simply, about life. From the start, I love talking to Jena. She’s a very sensible person. I know she understands what I am trying to share and I understand also her beliefs. She’s in the middle crisis right now. I mean, finding her self and finding the “right” one. She has a lot of questions why this and that. I understand her. It’s just normal. After the long talk, we went to SM Fairview. I bought rain dress for Maia. We had Halo-halo @ Chowking and met Tetai. She bought Eat,Pray,Love. I advised her to buy coz it will help her to answer some questions about life. I think she’ll love it.

I slept for 12 hours. It was great!
In the middle of the night, I woke up because I felt there was something beside me. I switched on the light and my steno notebook was open. All the papers in between the pages were flew away because of the electric fan. I gathered them one by one, and then I saw a note. It was written in a green ink saying “Take Care Always”. It was a note from my Soul mate. “I knew it”, I said to myself. I felt her that night. I think about her until I slept again. Thank you for the note. Take care always too. I love you. I love you with all my heart.

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